Drug addiction is one of the most noteworthy practices identified with a different issue. India having an exponential development of liquor abuse and associated issue.
The chronic drug use may not influence you independently, it will harm your family and your every single piece of life.
Liquor abuse is perceived as a disease by the WHO and APA, can influence an individual regardless of age, position, statement of faith, training, status or money related foundation.

Symptoms of Alcoholism
- Lack of Tolerance
- Loss of Control ? Quantity, Time, Quality, Situation and Behaviour
- Black Outs
- Pre Occupation with Drinking
- Avoiding Discussion about Drinking ? Irritation and Anger
- Denial, Justifying, Rationalizing and Blaming people or situations for drinking
- Aggression
- Grandiose Behavior
- Trying to control Quantity of drinking or Temporary abstinence
- Changing Drinking Pattern
- Binge Drinking
- Decreased Tolerance
- Ethical or Spiritual Breakdown
- Paranoia, Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Deterioration in living whether drinking or not drinking

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